Our Approach

Expect Exceptional Service 
We Are Your Business Partner

With so much information across so many channels, finding the right talent for your position can be an overwhelming task.

The old world of recruiting used to consist of want ads, job boards, computer-generated screenings, and resume after resume. The new world of recruiting is based on partnerships, precision, and timely, dedicated searches.

And please ask us about Fee Structure Options.

Recruiting is as Much an Art as it is a Science

Finding your prized talent takes more than a LinkedIn search.
We bring in the ideal candidates that will truly thrive in the position.

The Hedberg Search Process

What makes someone the best candidate for a job? That’s the question we help answer.

Here are the five steps in the Hedberg Search process.

Define your Search

This step builds a strong foundation for the entire search. We discuss your absolute must-haves as well as nice-to-haves. Once we have identified the expectations, challenges and the competencies needed to be successful, we help define the role and ideal candidate, be it Wonder Woman or Clark Kent.

Together, we create a questionnaire to identify candidates that are the best fit for the role.

Launching your Search

Great candidates have options. Why would a top candidate want to join your organization? Together, we create a compelling story that will get the ideal candidates to consider your position—whether they are actively looking or not.

Research and Networking

This important and intense portion of the search proves it’s not who you know, it’s who you are about to know! We buckle down, research, and go after the target market. We pride ourselves in efficiently finding top-qualified candidates who align with the position requirements. Whether it’s through our network or our research capabilities, we weed through to bring you talent you would compete for.

Candidate Assessments

The identifying questionnaire we developed when defining your search will contribute to eliminating marginal candidates and identifying the top dogs. We assess motivations beyond money, ensuring the new role with your company is a productive career move. We only present stand out, qualified candidates positioned to join your team. When we recommend a candidate, they are on-target.

Extend Offer and Follow-Up

Did you know most deals fall apart in this stage? We are closers, and this is one of the areas that differentiates us. From pinpointing the role definition and ideal candidate to learning early on what motivates the candidates and qualifying them from a monetary standpoint, we don’t waste time or resources. One company’s sore spot is our forte. We are great at closing deals.

“The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore.
It will be the fast beating the slow.

Working with Hedberg Search vs. Other Recruiters

With other recruiters trying to manage heavy workloads, Hedberg Search is selective in the positions we fill and the candidates we search for.

  1. Your search is our number one priority – Not just one of many in the backlog.
  2. A proven, dedicated search process that works! – No “average” candidates.
  3. Senior level search professional with boots on the ground working for you – No slow, inefficient, inexperienced junior staff.
  4. State-of-the-art technology and search methodology – No job boards or easy ways out. In addition to the 20% of candidates who are actively looking, we also go after the remaining 80%.
  5. A deep dive into the candidate pool – No basic matching, we SEARCH. There is a BIG difference!
  6. We present a limited number of candidates who have been pre-screened, qualified and shown interest – No throwing resumes at you to see what sticks.
  7. Getting the candidates to you in a timely manner is our promise – No long wait times to see candidates.
  8. Our model allows for optimal speed, accuracy, results – No searches that just drag on and on.
  9. We provide 2-3 page candidate write ups that get read – No wasting time with long candidate write ups that no one will ever read or no write ups at all!
  10. Weekly progress reports – We never “disappear.”
  11. Straight talk – No “selling” of the candidate.
  12. Results – 100% of the dedicated searches we engage in we close – We will never walk away from a dedicated search.

Consult with Hedberg Search about your next Search.